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Research tells us that the quality of the relationships and experiences that children have in their first 5 years will establish the framework of their early brain development and impact their lifelong learning, behavior and physical and mental health.

Today’s Head Start is all about fostering healthy child development through early learning and family development opportunities. Yet, less than 30% of families with children under 5 who are income-eligible for the program are able to access high quality early learning services through Head Start and Early Head Start in Minnesota.

Help us give voice to the needs of our youngest citizens and their families, and advocate for more high quality early learning experiences in our communities. Expanding Head Start and Early Head Start for Minnesota’s highest risk families will have long-term benefits including fewer children needing special education and repeating grades, more graduating from high school and fewer likely to commit crimes. The Minnesota Head Start Association wants your partnership to advocate for wise investments in children and families that will come back to Minnesota through productive and responsible citizenship.

You can make your tax deductible contribution by clicking the image link below or by printing and completing our donation form and mailing it with your check. Thank you for demonstrating your commitment to Head Start.

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