Teacher's Aide - Pine River, MN

Location: Pine River, MN

Job Type: Full time benefitted, school year

Job Region: Northwest

Full Job Description: Join BI-CAP Head Start's preschool teaching team as a teacher's aide. Our Head Start classroom is located at the Pine River-Backus school. You'll be working with 3- and 4-year-olds. • As Teacher Aide you’ll work with the classroom teacher and teacher assistant to develop the learning environment, assisting in classroom activities. • You’ll help set up classroom materials; keep the classroom clean and safe; read to children; organize and supervise play activities and soothe children who are upset. • You will follow the lead of the classroom staff to reinforce appropriate behaviors using positive guidance. • You’ll assist in family-style meals, snack, diapering/toileting, rest and teachers’ breaks. Qualifications • You should be at least 18 years old. It’s preferred if you have experience working with children ages birth to 5 years old. • The job requires a High School Diploma or GED, and skills in reading, communication, math and problem solving. • You must have a strong commitment to BI-CAP’s values of collaboration, innovation, compassion, diversity, equity and inclusion. • Applicants must pass a DHS Background Study and meet DHS & MN Rule 3 licensing requirements. Learn more here: https://www.vscyberhosting3.com/bicap/Careers.aspx?req=2024-PR-003&type=JOBDESCR

Application email/URL: https://www.vscyberhosting3.com/bicap/Careers.aspx?req=2024-PR-003&type=JOBDESCR

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Company name: BI-CAP

Website (optional): www.bicap.org

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