Your Action is Needed to Support Head Start Teachers and Families
October 25, 2024
5 mins read
As NPR reported this week (, Head Start is facing a workforce shortage and we need additional funding from Congress to meet the requirements for the recently enacted new program performance standards. Without that increased funding, programs might be forced to reduce enrollment.
We need your help: Please take two minutes right now to write to your members of Congress and urge them to provide the necessary additional funding to sustain Head Start.
Send Your E-Letter to Congress Now!
An Email A Day…Keep the momentum going by emailing your members of Congress once every 24 hours until this critical issue is addressed. Together, we can help ensure that every Head Start classroom is fully staffed with teachers who are valued, supported, and paid what they deserve and that all eligible children and families are able to be served.
Thank you for your continued commitment to Head Start and for standing with us in this critical moment.
Read the full NPR article: Biden wants Head Start teachers to get a raise. But it's unclear who will pay for it. (2 minute read/4 minute listen)
Keeping the commitment,
Yasmina Vinci
Executive Director
National Head Start Association

Published by Paula Cole Hanson